Wednesday, January 10, 2007

I was alone today in the department and there was quite alot to be done. To make things worse my PC went faulty. I had left it on last evening as usual but found it switched off in the morning. On turning it on I found that the screen was not displaying anything though the system was running. I tried changing the monitor first of all which did not help. Then opened the system and replaced the graphic card which had the VGA port on it. Tried again but no joy. It seemed that there is problem with the mother board.
Steve had assigned me a task through email with high priority to configure an application server which would be called MKHQSPAPP. The rest of the details were on mail. I manged to grab a spare laptop and configured my email account onto that machine in order get the details and start with it.
I had to format a system in the server room and reinstall Windows XP on it and name the machine as MKHQSPAPP. After getting the system up and running with all latest drivers and security softwares I was supposed to get a static IP address for it.

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